Contact Form

Riverside Chiropractor Clinic

9 Penrose Wharf, Cork

As chiropractors we know that exercise is essential for the body. We need plenty of movement every day to keep all of the body systems working, otherwise they start to shut down. This rule applies for the skeletal system, which will progressively seize up if we don't move enough, and also to the other body systems including the cardio-vascular system. Even your brain function may becomes impaired if you don't move enough!

Ironically excessive movement also leads to difficulty and this often occurs in sports! Due to the explosive nature of most ball sports, where we have to sprint after a ball or another player, its very common to pull muscles and tendons.

The twisting involved in sudden changes of direction often causes tearing of ligaments while the collisions from tackles and falls can rupture ligaments, discs, tear cartilage and even break bones. So while involvement in sport is highly encouraged, it can cause a few problems as well.

Sports Injuries Treatment

It's about getting the balance right between too much and too little.

But how much is too much? Why do some athletes suffer recurrent injuries while others can push themselves endlessly and never come undone? We deal with injuries from all sports and we have found that those with recurrent injuries usually have an underlying mechanical imbalance which leads to abnormal strain on certain joints. This make injury a certainty. Once this imbalance can be detected and addressed, the athlete can usually recover and get back to training and competition. This applies to every level of athletic endeavour from keep-fit to the ranks of professional competitors and olympians.

If you are suffering pain which is preventing you from exercising, we can help. Please get in touch - we will assess your problem and help to get you back on track as quickly as possible.

Contact the Chiropractor

We respond to most enquiries on the same working day. If we receive your submission out of hours, or on a weekend, we will get back to you on the next available working day.

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